February 2024
February 2024
Saturday 11:00 am 11:00am - 4:00pm
St. John’s Episcopal Church
2827 Wheat St. Columbia SC 29205
11–11:30 am: Welcome and housekeeping 11:30 am–12:30 pm: Intergroup meeting — Everyone is invited. Agenda Minutes Treasurer’s Report 12:30–1 pm: Lunch Break — We will leave
11–11:30 am: Welcome and housekeeping
11:30 am–12:30 pm: Intergroup meeting — Everyone is invited.
12:30–1 pm: Lunch Break — We will leave the videoconference link open for visiting. In-person folks will bring their lunch. Intergroup will provide coffee and water.
1–2 pm: Unity Day Panel — Panelists will share their recovery and the importance of Tradition One, followed by questions and sharing.
2:25–2:35 pm: Unified moment of silence followed by the OA Promise.
2:45–4 pm: Two-way prayer practice — Facilitated by Jemme.
4 pm: Closing
Meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8296736488?pwd=dDhDWVFJc1U1a3p5V1R6KytnUm5Qdz09
Meeting ID: 829 673 6488
Passcode: 4Dimension