January 24, 2024
Dear Service Bodies of Overeaters Anonymous,
The International Publications and Translations Committee wants to ensure all registered OA service bodies that have translated OA-approved literature into a language other than English and that have received License 2 from the World Service Office know that they may distribute and sell that translated literature worldwide. The authorized service body can sell a digital PDF of the translated literature, a print-on-demand publication, an e-book, as well as a traditional print publication. The service body CANNOT, however, make translated literature for which it has received License 2 available as a digital download in ANY format including, but not limited to, websites, apps, blogs, e-newsletters, mobile messaging apps such as WhatsApp, and social media sites such as Facebook.
All distributed translations MUST have the approved copyright statement in License 2:
“Translated and reprinted from __________________ [Title, latest copyright date of English version, and item number], Copyright © [year of translation] of the __________________ [language of translation] version, Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. World Service Office, 6075 Zenith Court NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144 USA. Mail address: PO Box 44727, Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4727 USA. Telephone: 1-505-891-2664. With the permission of OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS, INC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS, INC.”
Similarly, anyone who would like to purchase OA-approved literature in a language other than English may contact the service body that has received License 2. The purchased literature CANNOT, however, be duplicated and given to another member. For example, if we purchase a digital download from a service body and a friend wants a copy, they must purchase their own from that service body.
We hope this reminder increases awareness of OA-approved literature available in languages other than English while OA continues to work at becoming a more global Fellowship in thought and deed.
Please see the following links that will assist with the process of translating OA-approved literature as well as the Licenses.
- Guidelines for Translation of OA Literature
- Digital Files in Translation
- Translation License 1
- Translation License 2
- Translation Assistance Fund application
OA Board of Trustees and International Publications and Translations Committee